
Best JEE Main Previous Year Question Paper - Books (Ques with Sol)

To “Crack JEE 2022” you need to know how well your preparation is going and where you still need to work. But the question is how can you identify those weak spots in your JEE preparation where you still need to improve. The very simple answer of this question is, use the Best JEE Main Previous Year Question Paper Book so that you can analyse your preparation and understand the other aspects of JEE Mains Examination. What Is The Best In JEE Main PYP Book? It is free and collection of actual IIT JEE mains papers are available in JEE Main PYP Book. Not only that, it can be downloaded here in PDF file format as well. Another great thing about this JEE Main Previous Year Paper with Answer is that you can access them here year wise & chapter wise. Selfstudys has a huge collection of old year questions from 2005 to 2021. There are Answer Keys and detailed solutions as well prepared by subject experts. Comprising all these things make the JEE Main PYQ the best study material. How Can You

Take Advantage of NCERT Solutions Class 10 Maths Chapter Wise

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Mathematics answers all the questions available in NCERT Maths Class 10 textbook. These NCERT Maths Solution Class 10 are really helpful for CBSE students of class 10.  Apart from the CBSE board students, UP board, Gujarat board, Bihar Board, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra board, etc can take advantage of these NCERT Solutions .  This is the most important study material for 10th class students as it enables them to answer any kind of questions, whether it is easy or difficult. Importance Of Class 10th Mathematics Class 10 Mathematics is a very important subject from the board exam perspective as well as competitive entrance exams. The topics studied from NCERT Solutions Class 10 Maths Chapter Wise can also help you in cracking exams like JEE Main, Advanced and more.  How NCERT Solutions Is Helpful Maths of Class 10 is a bit complex but using maths solutions can help you score higher in exams and will aid you in becoming an expert in Class 10 Mathematics.  It al

Refer Rajasthan Board Class 12 Model Paper To Learn Time Management

In order to ace the Rajasthan class 12th board exam, you need to do hard work and practice the questions as much as possible. Note that your practice must be according to the given time frame. RBSE Model papers are the best for this purpose, because the model papers are a blueprint of actual board exam papers that contain numerous questions & time to answer all questions. Going through those questions enables you to learn about the exam pattern, and difficulty levels, that gives you a sense on how to handle the exam pressure and solve a variety of questions within the given time frame. RBSE 12 Model Paper Teaches Time Management Any student who wants to excel in their examination, needs to learn the time management skill. This skill is one of the most essential skills that a student should have.  However, learning time management can be a lengthy process and time consuming process too. Therefore, solving RBSE Class 12 Model Paper 2022 is advised. It is available on Selfstudys for

How To Overcome Difficulties While Solving Class 10 Maths?

Class 10 maths are considered difficult most of the time. Many students find it boring but many find it interesting. In case if you are a student, who faces many difficulties while solving your CBSE 10th maths then this blog is for you - Read it till the end, to find how you can overcome the obstacles while solving 10th class mathematics problems. You just need to follow these simple steps in order to face the difficult problems of class 10th Maths:- Simplify the Problem I think Trigonometry in NCERT Class 10th maths is a little bit complex, and mostly students face problems when they solve it.  But to face those problems, you can break down the questions in simple steps. After breaking them in simple steps you will get clarity on how to answer those problems. If you do this, you will answer any complex questions very effectively. This is one of the best strategies to tackle the difficult questions of class 10th mathematics. In case, you don’t know how to break down the questions in si

GSEB Class 12 English Medium Books : NCERT Books

GSEB NCERT Class 12 English Medium Books ensure students have access to all those topics that are being taught in 12th std. It helps students to be well versed with a plethora of important topics, activities, questions, etc. If you are studying in Gujarat Board Class 12th then you will need textbooks that are officially prescribed by the board. It will also require you to prepare for the board exams. Related GSEB Class 12 Study Material & others --- Check Now   Therefore, to score higher marks in the board exams refer to the Gujarat Board Class 12 Books. It is available for free on Selfstudys website.  Gujarat Board Class 12th Textbooks For All Subjects In Class 12th all the subjects are divided according to the streams. There are a total of 3 streams namely, Science, Commerce, and Arts. Hence, those students who study in 12th standard are needed to refer to the GSEB textbooks as per their selected streams. That is why on Selfstudys GSEB NCERT Class 12 English Medium Books For Al

Study Materials That Every NEET Aspirant Should Use

There couldn’t be more useful resources than NEET Study Material, because it gives access to the numerous syllabus based study resources such as NCERT Books , Solutions, Previous Year Papers, Daily Practice Papers, and more. If you are a medical entrance exam aspirant then you should Download Free NEET Study Material PDF to skyrocket your preparation process. Access to the study resources enables you to use the materials that can boost your exam preparation for free. I am advising here to refer to the study materials 2022 if you are a NEET exam aspirant. What Study Material of NEET Includes? NEET Study Materials includes a plethora of study resources such as Subject wise Books, Notes, Solutions, Daily Practice Papers, NEET Mock Tests , Test Series, etc. Referring to these resources not only assist students to prepare for the upcoming medical entrance exam rather it helps them to make their basics understanding stronger. Approximately 1.5 – 1.7 million candidates appear in this exam ev

JEE Chemistry Free Online Mock Test 2022 For Inorganic

Inorganic Chemistry is the least favorite topic among JEE aspirants. They find it boring and lengthy to study, however a good preparation of Inorganic chemistry topics: periodic table, chemical bonding, coordination compounds, s block, p block, d block, qualitative analysis, etc. can help aspirants to score good marks. If you are a JEE aspirant and preparing for JEE 2022 Examination, then this blog is for you. Here, I am going to let you know about the JEE Mock Test for Chemistry. JEE Mock Test 2022  The competition level is ever changing and the number of JEE candidates are increasing day by day. Meaning more competition requires more hard work.  However, Selfstudys subject experts are working day and night to enable students to be ahead in this competitive edge by providing the top notch JEE Main Study Materials .  JEE Mock Test 2022 is one of the best study resources that are available on Selfstudys to assist students to prepare for the JEE Mains Examination. When you prepare for th